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身 份 证 明 文 件 类 别 及 号 码的英文

"身 份 证 明 文 件 类 别 及 号 码"怎么读


  • identity document type & number
  • "身"英文翻译    body
  • "份"英文翻译    portion; share
  • "证"英文翻译    prove; verify; demonstrate
  • "明"英文翻译    bright; brilliant; light
  • "文"英文翻译    character; script; writing
  • "件"英文翻译    piece; article; item
  • "别"英文翻译    change
  • "及"英文翻译    reach; come up to
  • "号"英文翻译    howl; yell
  • "码"英文翻译    a sign or object indicating ...
  • "证 明 书" 英文翻译 :    assignment
  • "类(别),种类" 英文翻译 :    class
  • "病 毒 识 别 码" 英文翻译 :    virus signature
  • "原始,正本,原(文)件" 英文翻译 :    original
  • "文 件 编 制 标 准" 英文翻译 :    documentation standard
  • "文 件 管 理 系 统" 英文翻译 :    document management system
  • "文 字 处 理 软 件" 英文翻译 :    word processing software
  • "身" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词1.(身体) body 身高一米七二 1.72 m. in height; 转过身去 turn round; 我累得周身疼痛。 my whole body aches with weariness. 这套衣服挺合身。this suit fits perfectly.2.(生命) life 为事业献身 give up one's life for a cause; 以身殉职 die a martyr at one's post; 她舍身救孩子。 she gave her life to save her child.3.(自己; 本身) oneself; personally 设身处地 put oneself in sb. else's position; 以身作则 set a good example with one's own conduct; 你身为组长, 应当负起责任来。 as group leader, you should take charge.4.(人的品格和修养) one's moral character and conduct 修身 cultivate one's mind; 立身处世 ways of conducting oneself in society5.(物体的中部或主要部分) the main part of a structure; body 船身 the body of a ship; hull; 河身 bed of river; 机身 fuselage; 汽车车身 the body of a motor car; 树身 trunk6.(姓氏) a surname 身相 shen xiangⅡ量词(用于衣服) suit 一身新衣服 a new suit
  • "份" 英文翻译 :    名词1.(整体的一部) portion; share 股份 share; stock; 成份 component2.(用在“省、县、年、月”后面, 表示划分的单位) the unit of division 省份 province; 年份 a particular yearⅡ量词1.(用于搭配成组的东西) 一份儿礼 a gift; 一份儿饭 a set of meal2.(用于报刊、文件等) 一份报纸 a copy of a newspaper; 兹寄上盖有印章的契约一式两份。 herewith we are sending you a written contract under seal in two copies
  • "证" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词(证明) prove; verify; demonstrate 查证 investigate and verify; 论证 expound and prove; 求证 seek to prove; 证几何定理 demonstrate [prove] a geometric theoremⅡ名词1.(证据) evidence; proof; testimony; witness 物证 material evidence; proof; 作证 give evidence; bear testimony; stand witness; 历史是最好的见证。 history is the most telling witness.2.(证件) certificate; card 身分证 i.d. card ; card of identity; 结婚证 marriage certificate; 许可证 permit; 驾驶证 driving [driver's ] license3.(疾病) disease; illness
  • "明" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ形容词1.(明亮) bright; brilliant; light 灯火通明 be brightly lit; be brilliantly illuminated; 一轮明月 a full moon;2.(明白;清楚) clear; distinct 查明 make sure; 充分说明 show clearly; 黑白分明 with black and white sharply contrasted; 下落不明 whereabouts unknown3.(公开;显露在外;不隐蔽) open; overt; visible; apparent 明里暗里支持 give both overt and covert support4.(眼力好; 眼光正确; 对事物现象看得清) clear-sighted; sharp-eyed; discerning 聪明 clever; intelligent; 精明 astute; shrewd; bright; 耳聪目明 have sharp ears and eyes5.(心地光明) aboveboard; candid; honest 光明磊落 open and aboveboard; plain dealing; 正大光明 open and aboveboard; just and honourableⅡ动词(懂得;了解) understand; comprehend; know 深明大义 be deeply conscious of the righteousness of a cause; 不明利害 do not know gains and losses [advantages and disadvantages]Ⅲ名词1.(朝代) the ming dynasty (1368-1644)2.(视觉) sight 失明 lose one's sight; 复明 regain one's sight3.(次于今年、 今天的) immediately following in time 明年 next year; 明晚 tomorrow evening4.[书面语] (人世间) the world5.(姓氏) a surname 明玉珍 ming yuzhen
  • "别" 英文翻译 :    别动词[方言] (改变) change (sb.'s opinion) 别不过 unable to dissuade; fail to talk sb. out of doing sth.
  • "及" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词1.(达到) reach; come up to 目力所及 as far as the eye can reach; 力所能及 within one's power; 水深及腰。 the water came up to one's waist.; the water was waist-deep.2.(够得上; 比得上) can compare with; be comparable; be up to 我的英语不及他。 my english cannot compare with his. 这辆自行车不及那辆好。 this bike is not so good as that one.3.(赶上) be in time for 这场雪很及时。 this snow has come at the right time.Ⅱ连词(连接并列的名词或名词性词组) and 工人、农民及知识分子 workers, peasants and intellectuals; 地里种着小麦、油菜及其他作物。 the fields are under wheat, rape and other crops.Ⅲ介词(到) to 由此及彼 proceed from one point to another; 由东及西 from east to west; 由近及远 from the near to the distantⅣ名词(姓氏) a surname 及康 ji kang
  • "文" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词1.(字) character; script; writing 甲骨文 inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells; 钟鼎文 inscriptions on ancient bronze objects; 《说文解字》 analytical dictionary of characters2.(文字) language 汉文 chinese; 英文 the english language3.(文章) literary composition; writing 作文 composition; 散文 prose; 韵文 verse; literary composition in rhyme; 情文并茂 excellent in both content and language4.(文言) literary language 半文半白 half literary and half vernacular5.(指社会发展到较高阶段表现出来的状态) civilization; culture6.(旧指礼仪) formal ritual 虚文 a mere formality; 繁文缛节 unnecessary and overelaborate formalities; red tape7.(自然界的某些现象) certain natural phenomena 水文 hydrology; 天文 astronomy8.(姓氏) a surname 文天祥 wen tianxiangⅡ动词1.(古时称在身上、脸上刺画花纹或字) tattoo 文了双颊 have a design tattooed on one's cheeks2.(掩饰) cover up; paint over 文过 conceal faultsⅢ形容词1.(非军事的) civil;civilian 文官 civil official2.(柔和; 不猛烈) gentle; elegant; refined; cultured 斯文 refined; gentleⅣ量词(用于旧时的铜钱) 一文钱 one cash; 一文不名 penniless; 一文不值 not worth a farthing
  • "码" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词(表示数目的符号或用具) a sign or object indicating number; code 数码 numeral; number; amount; 价码 marked price; 砝码 weightⅡ量词1.(指一件事或一类的事) 一码事 the same thing; 两码事 two different things2.(英美制长度单位) yard (yd.)Ⅲ动词[口语] (堆叠) pile up ; stack 码起石头 pile up stones
身 份 证 明 文 件 类 别 及 号 码的英文翻译,身 份 证 明 文 件 类 别 及 号 码英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译身 份 证 明 文 件 类 别 及 号 码,身 份 证 明 文 件 类 别 及 号 码的英文意思,身 份 證 明 文 件 類 別 及 號 碼的英文身 份 证 明 文 件 类 别 及 号 码 meaning in English身 份 證 明 文 件 類 別 及 號 碼的英文身 份 证 明 文 件 类 别 及 号 码怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。